Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Open Thread on the "Respect for Marriage Act" Senate Hearing

This blog probably doesn't have enough following to warrant an open thread, but to avoid spamming Facebook too much, I'll try it anyway.
I would like to point out that DOMA prevents relationship recognition beyond marriage for LGBTQ folks. For that reason, I think it should be repealed, regardless of my views on marriage and the emphasis that is placed on it.

[Edit 1:25 PM]
Of course just after I post this the hearing is over...

1 comment:

  1. I first want to go back to Ed Whelan's arguments about polyamory and polygamy. He claims polyamory is a project "of the left" and that the bill would pave the way for polyamory. While I think he's wrong about the left pushing polyamory (unfortunately), I DO think he has a point on marriage (at least as far as the text of THIS bill goes). It calls for the US to respect marriage as the state defines it. But, that is not, I think, the goal of the bill by any means.
